‘Happy Hopeful Hindpool’ initiative launched as part of Clear, Hold, Build strategy

Cumbria Police have rolled out a multi-agency partnership tactic called Clear, Hold Build which has been formulated by the Home Office to tackle serious and organised crime and rebuild neighbourhoods affected by this.

The three-phase initiative, which will be known locally as ‘Happy Hopeful Hindpool’ will see criminals and their associates targeted and cleared from an area through a persistent police presence and intelligence led operations, all supported by partners and residents.

What is Clear, Hold, Build?

The strategy will see police pursue criminals using all available powers and tactics to clear and area. The activity is continued to hold the location so that other criminals cannot take control in the vacuum. Then police and partner agencies will work with resident to build the community back up into a thriving area where people want to live, work and visit – without fear of being exploited by organised crime groups (OCGs) and criminals.

Where is this happening?

As the name suggests, it is taking place in Hindpool, Barrow

When will this happen?

This is a long-term project and work will be continuous.

Why are we doing it?

This three-phased approach aims to make it more difficult for criminals and OCGs to operate. By disrupting their activity, it will help to protect those living and working in Hindpool, allowing them to reclaim the neighbourhood. Our aim is to work with our partners and the residents in Hindpool to listen to their concerns and needs to create long term resilience to crime and help prevent further criminal activity taking place there.

How will it work?

Police in Barrow will work closely with a number of partner agencies in the area to focus on areas which need targeted activity to remove and disrupt crime groups and individuals. Our partners will also provide support and advice services to all residents, especially those who may struggle to access help and support.

Planned events will also be held within the community to allow input from residents on how police and partners can best support them.

Who is taking part in Happy Hopeful Hindpool?

Partners involved in Happy Hopeful Hindpool include Cumbria Police, Westmorland and Furness Council, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, The Well, Cumbria Probation Service, local NHS, Women’s Community Matters, Recovery Steps and Family Action.

Chief Inspector Natalie Jukes, said: “This is an important initiative and I’m pleased to be able to launch it in Hindpool.

“Hindpool was chosen as we have seen the damaging effects that a small number of criminals have on the wider community here. Through working with our partner agencies and pooling out efforts to tackle these criminals, not just through enforcement, but by concentrating on providing help and support, we hope to see a long-term reduction in future offending in the area.

“Police in Barrow have already started to address this over the last two three months by carrying out warrants and placing officers on patrol within the community. We have already seen some success through this activity by removing drugs and the proceeds of crime from the area. Several people have been arrested and charged and we have recently seen a Barrow drug dealer, Michael Torkington sentenced to 32 months in prison after he was found with over £3,000 of cocaine following a stop by officers during work on the ‘clear’ phase.

“As part of the work within the community, the task to design the logo and name of the initiative was given to St James’ Junior School. We had some amazing entries, and it was a difficult job to choose a winner, however we settled on our eventual logo designed by Phoebe from Year 5. Well done and thank you for your help!

“Hindpool is a safe place to live, but by focussing our efforts on the area and working with the community to build on the work our partners are already doing, we hope we can improve the safety and positivity in the area.”

National Police Chief’s Council’s Serious and Organised Crime, Local Programme lead, Detective Superintendent Andy Farrell said: “The national roll out of Clear, Hold, Build will help empower communities to stand united in the fight against serious and organised crime.

“Areas which have already implemented this initiative have seen successes ranging from dramatic reductions in ASB and violent crime to stronger, more enhanced partnerships with key community stakeholders and grass roots organisations.

“Clear, Hold, Build brings this all together. Through police led disruption, key offenders are targeted and removed, allowing the community to come together and have their say on how to move forward. While police play a key role in bringing offenders to justice, partnership work and community cooperation are essential to the success of an area reclaiming its identify and moving forward, free from harm, exploitation and the threat of future criminality.”

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, David Allen, said: “Every community in Cumbria deserves to be a safe place, free of crime.

“My manifesto commitment was to create more visible policing, reduce anti-social behaviour and tackle crime The ‘Clear, Hold, Build’ initiative will provide Cumbria Constabulary and partner agencies the opportunity to reduce serious and organised crime in Hindpool and create a safer place for those who live and work in the area.

“This approach fits in with the Chief Constables 4C vision for Cumbria – a Contempt For Criminality and a Community Focus. By working in this manner, the force works with local partner agencies and the community we serve to bring about a better, safer Cumbria. “This multi-agency approach is a clear message to organised crime groups: there is no place for you in Cumbria and when you are caught you will face the consequences.

“I am delighted to be part of this work and wholeheartedly support it. I look forward to seeing how this programme develops and the results for Hindpool.

“I would encourage the public to continue to report any suspicious and illegal behaviour to the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency. With your help, we can continue to fight crime in your community.”

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