Free parking offer for market shoppers in Barrow


SHOPPERS can benefit from two hours of free parking when they spend £5 with any traders in Barrow’s Market Hall thanks to a new offer designed to help the town centre to thrive.


The parking offer – which also applies to shops located in The Mall and the ginnel – is available on Level C of Barrow Borough Council’s Portland Walk multi-storey car park from Monday, November 28 for six months.


It is hoped the move will encourage people to visit the market to see what’s on offer, to support local traders and to take advantage of the fun, festive events taking place in the town centre throughout December.


Councillor Ann Thomson, the Leader of Barrow Borough Council, said: “This is an excellent scheme that I hope many people will take advantage of.


“The market in Barrow has some fantastic stalls offering good value for money and, often, products that you won’t easily find anywhere else, as well as businesses in The Mall, Got It Covered, So Silver and The Candle Shop.


“It’s also a great way to shop local and support independent businesses in the run up to Christmas.”


To take advantage of the free parking offer, drivers need to:


– pay for their parking on arrival at Level C in Portland Walk multi-storey car park


– display the parking ticket inside of the vehicle as usual


– tear off the ticket stub and keep this with you


– keep receipts from any purchases you make


When you have finished shopping, you should:


– go to The Forum Box Office with both the ticket stub and receipt/s showing a spend in Barrow Market or qualifying businesses of £5 or more


The parking fee will be reimbursed by a member of staff. Drivers who pay to park using the Ringo App can show their parking receipt via the app itself.


Blue Badge Holders can park for free in any town centre car park for up to three hours when they display their badge.


Barrow Market will be open six days a week – Monday to Saturday – during December until Christmas.


Budding entrepreneurs, crafters and makers are also encouraged to apply for a temporary, six week market stall so that they can experience a physical retail presence without a longer-term commitment.


Councillor Thomson added: “There’s always a good atmosphere in the market with the addition of lots of fun, festive events and activities happening in the town centre in the weeks leading to Christmas.


“With a free parking offer in place for market customers, it’s easier than ever to support independent businesses and help the wider local economy to thrive in the process.”

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