Farmers nationwide start building the ‘Bee Road’ this weekend to support the Bee population

People in Barrow-in-Furness don’t know what to do with an injured bee – learn how to save

  • The Bee Road is beginning to be built by British farmers across the country starting this weekend – led by farmer Chris Jerman – including local farmers in Barrow-in-Furness
  • The Road is a huge countrywide network for pollinating bees to rest and refuel – imagine motorway services
  • But it will impact hayfever sufferers in Barrow-in-Furness – however, 89% say its worth it to support bees who support a third of the food we eat
  • We don’t know what to do to help a bee struggling and many would stamp on to put out of misery…
  • Join local farmers from Barrow-in-Furness alongside Chris Jerman, to find out what you – and the kids – can do to help this weekend and how to help bees across the country

From this weekend farmers across the country are beginning to plant the ‘Bee Road’ – which means those with hayfever might need to prepare!

The Bee Road is essentially a huge countrywide network for pollinating Bees to take a rest and refuel. Imagine the motorway services but instead of expensive sandwiches it is lots of flowers that help bees get on with their important job.

Around a third of the food we eat in the UK relies on bees – but many of us know that bees are significantly in danger. This is why Arla Farmers across the country are building the road to enegerise our buzzy buddies.

So, farmers are encouraging the nations hayfever sufferers to get ready ahead of the weekend – as around 45 million of us really do suffer with runny noses, headaches and other horrid symptoms.

But according to new data of hayfever sufferers, they say it is worth it – with 89% saying they are happy to put up with the symptoms as long as it helps bees and biodiversity.

And on top of it – around three quarters say they’d actually be up for planting their own flowers at home (hotel stops along the road perhaps). Similarly, lots of us (54%) are taking part in ‘No Mow May’ – where they let their gardens grow wild to help nature.

Others are going above and beyond too – with 88% saying that they have recently added bug hotels, bird feeders and bee pollinators to their homes and gardens. Perhaps being at home during lockdown has made us look at our outside spaces more?

However, while some things look good – there are also some challenges. Nearly a third wouldn’t know what to do if they spotted a bee in peril.

We still have a bit to learn, with a worrying 26% saying that if they saw a bee floundering on the floor, they would ‘put it out of its misery’ or just ‘nudge it off the path’

If you want to find out how you can help bees at home – and find something fun to do with the kids this weekend – join farmer and bee campaigner , Chris Jerman, who is leading the Bee Road charge of farmers across the country


  • Plant more species, particularly those that attract bees and other pollinating insects. You don’t need to have a garden for this. You can recycle yoghurt pots to make your very own pollinator pots even if you only have a windowsill to offer!
  • If you see a Bee struggling, try giving it a bit of sugary water and moving it out of harm’s way whilst it recovers.
  • Create a small area and let it ‘grow wild’ or leave a patch of fallen leaves. Insects, birds, and small mammals will benefit from the cover and native plants.
  • Put up a bird feeder or nest box. This doesn’t need to be in a garden, some birds will come to a feeder on a balcony, or front porch and large windowsill
  • Create a bug hotel for insects to use over winter, or put a bat box or hedgehog house out for creatures
  • If you have a driveway for your car to park – consider making it a green driveway without the concrete
  • Stop using pesticides or herbicides and swap them for organic products.
  • Leave a pile of logs out for small creatures like stag beetles to house in.
  • Get children involved in the activities! Inspiring future generations to love and respect wildlife is so important for the long-term 


  • Can you tell me about the research
  • What is the bee road?
  • How long does it take to build?
  • What do bees need from us?
  • And what do we need from them?
  • Why are the in danger?
  • What can be done to help?
  • What can we do at home?
  • Do you have any advice for people who have hayfever and might be struggling through this?
  • How can we get kids involved?
  • Where can we go for more information?

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