Exploring Social Prescribing with FoodFutures

What role can social prescribing play in building a “a healthy, resilient and fair” food system in North Lancashire? Sarah Collins invites you to explore this question at an upcoming event hosted by FoodFutures.

As the cost of living rises and the realities of climate change start to show themselves, we find ourselves at a moment where there is a real need to come together and find a way forward. The current systems do not look like they can support healthy individuals and communities.  

FoodFutures vision for North Lancashire is  “a thriving local food system that is healthy, resilient and fair”. This may seem like a fantasy when compared to where we are now, but we feel like it is something worth aiming for! We also understand that this vision can mean different things to different people, and so FoodFutures believes that creating space for discussion will be important to achieving this vision, as will the role of healthy communities.

In this light, on the 14th September 2022 FoodFutures is hosting an event that seeks to bring together local residents,  community initiatives and key stakeholders to discuss the approaches to social prescribing that may support the Our Food Futures community food strategy in coming alive.

What does  social prescribing have to do with food?

Social Prescribing is a concept that  the UK healthcare system has used for the last 15 years. It is used to describe a concept that supports people experiencing mental and or physical health issues to improve their health and well being through a more holistic approach. Becoming more involved within community groups, growing your own food, gardening and connecting on a deeper level with nature are all known to improve health and well being for us all.

If we look to Lancaster and the surrounding areas, there are many practical examples of organisations working with people to help improve their health and wellbeing – both within and outside the formal health care system.  FoodFutures is keen to explore these different ways of working, to link things up, and to see how projects can also help implement the outcomes of the Our Food Futures community food strategy. We are keen to understand how holistic approaches to health and wellbeing can benefit not only individuals but also communities.

About the ‘exploring Social Prescribing’ event

The event on the 14th September seeks to build on the experience and understanding of what is currently happening across North Lancashire and surrounding areas. In doing so, it seeks to collaboratively identify opportunities and approaches that can bring together community health and wellbeing projects to improve the health and wellbeing for individuals,families and their wider communities.  

The event will discuss the benefits of using a social prescribing approach to health care, what works, what doesn’t and what resources may be needed locally.

All views and ideas are welcome.

The event will be participatory and creative – providing the opportunity to share ideas and create a forward vision and action plan for collaborative food projects that improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and the other animals, plants, land and waters we share our lives with. 

To book a place at the event, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/exploring-social-prescribing-with-foodfutures-tickets-403164655337

For further information about social prescribing or this event, contact Sarah Collins at sarah@lessuk.org

Or read: foodfutures.org.uk/does-social-prescribing-affect-you 

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