DPFCC urges motorists to take care of vulnerable road users

Cumbria’s Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (DPFCC), Mike Johnson, is urging motorists to be vigilant and look out for vulnerable road users in the county.


Cyclists, motorcyclists, animals and pedestrians, with a focus on children and the elderly, are all considered vulnerable road users. Tips to keep all road users safe include:


  • Giving all road users enough space when passing. It is recommended to provide cyclists with at least 1.5 metres of space when over-taking, where possible.
  • Always looking right, left then right again at junctions to ensure no cyclists and motorcyclists are at risk.
  • Reducing your speed for any animals on the road and provide them with as much space as is safe to do so. Animals can be easily spooked by loud noises or fast cars which can cause them to panic and potentially cause harm to themselves and those around them.
  •  Being aware of any potential risk factors such as pedestrians who are hidden by obstacles such as parked cars, bends in the roads and those who are crossing at junctions. In 2022, the Highway Code changed to give pedestrians priority for crossing at junctions, so it is essential that we all remain alert when joining a new road.


DPFCC, Mike Johnson, said: “We all want to be safe on the roads, which means we all need to pay attention and look out for those who are more at risk.


“Many of our roads in the county are rural, single-tracked roads with no pavements or walkways which means there isn’t space for us to be selfish and prioritise ourselves.


“It’s essential that we all remain vigilant when we are near or on the road and look out for one another, especially as we are still in the summer months and our roads are busy.


“We want everyone to be able to go out, enjoy themselves and get home safe no matter how they choose to use the road. I would urge everyone to drive to the conditions of the road, follow the highway code and look out for one another.”

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