Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner opens Ethics and Integrity Panel recruitment

The Ethics and Integrity Panel ensures that the Constabulary and Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (OPFCC) maintain high standards and today, Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) Peter McCall, is launching the latest round of their recruitment process.


PFCC, Peter McCall comments: “The Ethics and Integrity Panel recruitment process is now open, and we are looking for exceptional individuals whose skills and experiences will enable independent scrutiny of integrity within policing.


“The Panel was established to achieve assurances and provide openness and transparency to the public. They provide a forum which challenges, encourages and supports the Chief Constable and I, in monitoring and dealing with integrity and ethical issues within the Constabulary and the OPFCC.


“If you are able to remain independent and look impartially at information or circumstances, this role is perfect for you. Our Panel needs people with a broad set of skills, abilities, and experiences. It’s not just about doing the right thing, it’s also about the reason behind the decision being sound and supported.


“The panel brings together people from local communities within Cumbria to provide a level of independence and challenge, enabling policing to be more effective.


“The panel meets on a quarterly basis and carries out dip-sampling and thematic sessions throughout the year, in line with its annual work programme.   More information on the work of the Panel is available on our website or people can call the office on 01768 217734.”


Further information on the website:


A candidate information pack and application form is available to download at- or via email –


Application deadline 5.00 pm on Friday 2 June 2023 to either, The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, 1-2 Carleton Hall, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2AU or via email to

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