Cumbria Police South Lakes Update – Kendal & Kendal Rural

Home security advice during holiday periods.

Please remember over the summer months, when people are going on holidays or days out and are not at home as often, to ensure your home looks occupied e.g. leave a television or radio on, use timers to turn lights on in the property, leave a mixture of curtains closed and open, leave a lamp on etc. if possible.

Kirkby Lonsdale

On the evening of 20th May a PCSO whilst on patrol walking along the foot path from Bridge Brow to Jingling Lane encountered a motor bike along with its rider.

He was stopped and advised that the foot path was not a road, which the rider seemed surprised about.

Fortunately he just about had enough strength to push his heavy bike to an actual road, where he continued his journey.

Anyone with information relating to these incidents can report online at Please quote incident number provided.
You can also phone on 101. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

An incident of criminal damage was recorded on Birks Lane in Sedbergh on 11/05/22. It was noticed on 11 May that windows were smashed at a property. It did not appear that entry was gained to the house. If you have any information relating to this incident, please report quoting log 108 of 11th May.

On the evening of 13/05/22, a car parked in Loftus Hill car park in Sedbergh had its front windscreen smashed. The owner had returned to the vehicle a few hours after leaving it parked there and came across the damage. He then contacted police. If you have any information relating to this incident, please report quoting log 255 of 13th May.

During daytime hours on 14/05/22, a residential property on Rawthey Gardens in Sedbergh was burgled. During this incident, the resident’s car was stolen. Fortunately, the vehicle was abandoned in Loftus Hill car park and located on 15/05/22. If you have any information relating to this incident, please report quoting log 129 of 14th May.

Between 13/05/22-14/05/22, a property on Joss Lane in Sedbergh was burgled. Forced entry was gained and an untidy search of the property was made.
If you have any information relating to this incident, please report quoting log 156 of 14th May.


Antisocial behaviour is on the rise on Jubilee Fields. There has been a couple of low-level antisocial incidents reported.

We are asking parents “Do you know where your children are?”

If your child is involved in antisocial behaviour, their name will be taken and you as a parent will be informed. Some parents are blissfully unaware until we step in, but their behaviour is usually nipped in the bud and the antisocial behaviour logs drop.

On 6th May (log 207), a vehicle was taken without consent  and a burglary was reported. The vehicle crashed at the bottom of Sedbergh Road in Kendal. One person – a 16-year-old – was arrested. He was released under investigation and enquiries are still ongoing.


On 30th April a dog walker was spoken to about trespassing on private land on a farm in Whassett. Several of the land owners signs were later discovered to have been removed or damaged. If you saw anyone defacing or removing the signs please contact police and quote log 176 of 6th May.

Between 1pm and 4pm on Tuesday 3rd May, a tup was found dead, suspected of being attacked. The grass was flattened in a circle around it. It is thought that the tup has died of a heart attack after being attacked. If you were a witness to the incident please quote log 33 of the 11th May.

On the Dallam Tower estate, signs have been damaged on the morning of 12th May. Police have received CCTV of a man who was seen running to one of the posts where one of the signs was damaged at 6.09am. There had been previous reports of similar damage at the same location last week. Log 104 of 12th May

On the 6th May log 162 and 23rd Feb log 76 there were also reports of damage at the same location to signs and posts. Investigations are still on going, but if you have any information that can help please call or email 101 quoting one of the log numbers above.

Anyone with information relating to these incidents can report online at
Please quote incident number provided.
You can also phone on 101.
Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Sedbergh school talk on bullying

On 17th May, Rural PCSOs Kathryn and Hayley visited Sedbergh primary school and delivered a lesson on bullying to Year 5 pupils.

This included bullying by name calling, physical violence and online bullying.

The class listened extremely well and we thank the school for their warm welcome.


There was a vehicle fire on Windermere road in Kendal on the 4th May 2022 (log 137). The fire service attended to tackle the blaze which was down to an electric fault. This was a multi-agency response and resulted, thankfully, in no injuries.

On the evening of 7th May 2022 (log 246) we had reports of noise coming from an empty property on Burneside Road in Kendal.
Police attended to find nobody in the property but a rear door was insecure.
House-to-house enquires suggested it was teenagers using it as a hang-out. The home owner was contacted and the property has been secured.


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