Cumbria Police Local Appeal – Residential Burglary in Barrow

Detectives are investigating a residential burglary which occurred between 4am and 5.30am on 24th May 2023 on Adelaide Street, Barrow.

Police have carried out CCTV and house to house enquiries in the immediate area of Adelaide Street, but would like to request the assistance of the public who live or work in the surrounding area.

The suspect attended the victim’s house on three separate occasions; by bicycle on the first two occasions and on foot on the final occasion.  The suspect is to known to leave in the direction of Chatsworth Street.

A large number of old coins worth a substantial amount of money were stolen during the incident.

Officers are asking residents to check any CCTV, doorbell and dashcam footage between the hours of 4am to 5:30am on the above date for sighting of a male possibly wearing a black bobble hat, dressed in a black North Face jacket, light coloured trainers and wearing one grey and one black glove.  The male is riding on a light (white or silver) Marin bicycle with green/blue metallic stem and forks.

Police are also keen to speak with any early morning dog walkers who were in the area of Adelaide Street during this time and recall seeing a male dressed in black on a bicycle.

Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at , quoting incident number 28 of 24th May 2023. You can also phone on 101.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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