Cumbria Police – Local Appeal

As we see the restrictions lifting and hopefully the hot weather staying, we anticipate seeing our walking hot spots becoming busier. Cumbria Police want to make sure those using vehicles to travel to these locations are taking steps to ensure their vehicles are safe whilst unattended.

Vehicles being left unattended whilst out enjoying a walk or a day out in some of Cumbria’s nicest areas opens opportunities for criminals. Cumbria Police want to prevent this and advise vehicle owners to take these preventative measures to make it harder for criminals to commit these types of crimes.

  1. Plan accordingly by researching where the designated carparks are.
  2. Park in a secure location.
  3. Always lock your vehicles when leaving them unattended.
  4. Keep your vehicle keys in a secure place about your person.
  5. Ensure all valuables are removed from your vehicle when unattended.

Help us prevent vehicle crime by reporting anything suspicious on, or by calling 101.

You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers, completely anonymously, on 0800 555 111.


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