Cumbria motorists helping to make roads safer through Operation Snap


Motorists sending in dashcam evidence of poor driving on Cumbria’s roads has led to actions against dozens of drivers so far in 2023.

So far in 2023 more than 100 submissions have been made to Cumbria Police under Operation Snap – a national operation enabling the public to submit video evidence of road traffic offences, quickly and easily, to the police. In this period, 57 of those submissions resulted in drivers being prosecuted or sent on driving courses via the Central Ticket Office, whilst another six were passed to Collision Reduction Officers and neighbourhood policing teams for local action.

Cumbria Police has released examples of some of those drivers reported through Operation Snap. The clips include a car being driven the wrong way down the westbound A66 dual carriageway, west of Cumbria, a dangerous undertaking manoeuvre on the M6 motorway and numerous examples of drivers putting cyclists at risk through not giving enough space when passing.

Chief Inspector Steve Hunter of Cumbria Police Operation Support said: “The aim of Operation Snap is to discourage risky and dangerous behaviour on our roads – some of the clips we are releasing today could easily have ended in serious injury or tragedy.

“More and more people are using dashcams in their vehicles and we as a Constabulary welcome submissions from people who witness driving which puts road users at serious risk.

“The figures show that Operation Snap is being embraced locally and that once the evidence is passed to the Constabulary, action is being taken where the evidence supports it and it is proportionate to do so.”

Members of the public can report road traffic offences here, more information can also be found on our website on Reporting Road Safety Concerns (

This includes:

  • Overtaking on solid white lines
  • Using a mobile phone whilst driving
  • Failing to comply with traffic signals
  • Contravening traffic directions
  • Endangering other road user through poor driving


Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “We all have a duty to help keep our communities safe.

“By submitting dashcam footage of a motorist driving in a dangerous manner, the public can help the Police potentially take the risk off the road before it ends in a tragedy.

“The Police do what they can to catch criminals breaking the law, but we really need the public’s input to help build evidence and take action.

“I would encourage anyone with footage of dangerous and careless driving to submit it to the Police.

“Together we can make Cumbria a safer place.”

This form is not for submitting footage of road traffic collisions or any other offences please contact us here In an emergency always call 999.

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