Condolence arrangements across the Furness area

Condolence arrangements across the Furness area listed below however a national book of condolence can be found here:
The official proclamation will be made at St James’s Palace, then at the Royal Exchange in the City of London.
The following day the proclamation will be made in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast before being cascaded to county, city, district and parish level.
In Cumbria, the County proclamation will be held in Carlisle, followed by district proclamations in Barrow, Carlisle, Kendal, Penrith, Whitehaven and Workington.
In accordance with royal tradition, a proclamation in Cumbria will first be read out on Saturday 10 September in Carlisle. Members of the public are invited to hear an official proclamation of the death of Queen Elizabeth II which will be read out following this from Barrow Town Hall.
Condolence books will also be situated around Cumbria in key community buildings. A list of key locations is available via the Cumbria County Council website. The laying of flowers is suggested to take place outside churches and near monuments, and specific areas are listed below from across Furness.
Barrow Borough
Books of condolence are available at:
  • The Forum
  • Barrow Library
  • Dalton Town Hall from 9 am Monday 26th September
  • Dalton Castle
  • St Mary’s Church, Market Place, Dalton
The laying of flowers in Barrow Borough is suggested to take place at:
  • The Cenotaph, Barrrow Park
  • The Market Cross, Market Place, Dalton
  • Ulverston, High and Low Furness
Books of condolence are available at:
  • St Mary’s, Broughton
  • St Cuthbert’s, Kirkby
  • Bardsea church
  • Aldingham church
  • Urswick church
  • Coronation Hall, Ulverston (12 noon – 5pm, remaining open until after the State funeral)
The laying of flowers in South Lakeland is suggested to take place at:
  • Ford Park, Ulverston (on the mound below the car park)
  • Lightburn Park, Ulverston
  • War Memorial, Market St Ulverston
  • War memorial, Urswick
  • St Mary’s, Broughton
  • St Cuthbert’s, Kirkby
It is preferred that no cellophane wrappers be left with the flowers, if possible.

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