Charity funding available from BAE Systems Give As You Earn Scheme

A charity scheme that last year donated £35,000 is welcoming applications for this year’s funding.
BAE Systems Submarines Give As You Earn is a salary sacrifice scheme to which local
registered charities can apply. The applications window opened in January and the deadline
for this year’s applications is Friday, 30 September 2022
Employees are asked to donate a small amount directly from their salary – a minimum of £1
per week through each monthly pay cycle. Last year’s money went to 38 successful
applicants in December.
Operations Director Oli Wignall, Chairman of the GAYE scheme’s board, said: “I am
incredibly proud of the contributions from the BAE Systems workforce whose regular
donations directly support the community in the Furness area.”
“There are some really dedicated local charities who are struggling on the back of a global
pandemic, and really need everyone’s support.”
To apply, charities need to complete and submit an application form via e-mail, stating they
are a local registered charity and providing their charity number. Applicants also need to
state the amount they are hoping to secure, as well as an outline of how the money will be
used.  The funding cannot be spent on wages or running costs so most successful
applications are for specific projects or funding for equipment items.
For an application form, charities should contact The form
should then be completed and returned with a cover letter that includes the registered
charity number and contact details.

Members of the Give As You Earn Committee
Rebekah Caine – Scheme Secretary / Staff Committee Member
David Stowell – Staff Union Rep / Committee Member
Tracey Baxter – Scheme Treasurer / Staff Committee Member
Oli Wignall – Scheme Chairman

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