Bathing water quality at borough beaches rated excellent

A RATING of excellent has been awarded to three beaches on Barrow’s beautiful coastline for bathing water quality.


Walney Biggar Bank, Walney Sandy Gap and Walney West Shore secured the highest classification possible following inspections by the Environment Agency earlier this year.


The ratings were confirmed following publication of the Government’s new bathing water classifications for 2022.


Councillor Ann Thomson, the leader of Barrow Borough Council, welcomed the news.


“I’m genuinely delighted that our beaches have been rated as excellent once again. It’s certainly an accolade worth shouting about,” she said.


“To me, the borough’s protected coastline is one of the most beautiful, inspiring and nature-filled in the country and retaining the highest rating for bathing water quality is impressive.


“We know that access to the outdoors, to the wide-open spaces and the opportunities for swimming that our beaches provide, offers a boost to people’s health and wellbeing. We want the beaches and the water quality to remain pristine so that everyone can enjoy them to their fullest.”


Beaches and inland waters across the country are monitored by the Environment Agency which checks that standards are maintained at designated bathing areas.


The findings, which are collated from up to 20 samples collected from each location during the bathing season, are used to classify bathing waters as excellent, good, sufficient or poor.


The samples are tested to make sure they are clear of sources of pollution known to be a risk to people’s health including E coli and intestinal enterococci with the final rating published annually.


Barrow has 60km of coastline, a portion of which is designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest based on the rich array of wildlife, flora and fauna it offers.


For more information on the borough’s designated bathing beaches, visit: Barrow BC – Bathing Water Quality

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