Barrow Town Council Launches new webiste

Barrow Town Council has unveiled its new website, developed by local web design company, Stephen Story Design. The website aims to enhance communication channels between the council and the residents of Barrow, providing a centralised platform for accessing news, updates, and important information about the town’s local governance.

The user-friendly website will serve as a valuable resource, ensuring residents stay well-informed about the council’s activities, initiatives, and decisions. With a focus on transparency and accessibility, the platform offers a range of features and news to engage residents and encourage their active participation in local affairs.

In addition, the website will include a comprehensive archive of schedules, agendas, and minutes from council meetings. This feature allows residents to delve into the details of past discussions, decisions, and actions taken by the full council, as well as its committees and sub-committees. The availability of these records promotes accountability and transparency within the council, fostering trust and engagement with the local community.

Stephen Story Design, a reputable web design company based in Barrow, worked closely with the council to develop the website. Their collaboration resulted in an intuitive interface, ensuring that residents can easily navigate the website and find the information they seek. Stephen Story said “It’s been fantastic working with the new, forward thinking council, on the website. It will be a source of reliable information and serve as an archive for all meetings held within the councils remit. Drawing on the colours of the town crest, the website includes impressive photography to really celebrate the towns identity and beauty.”

The launch of the Barrow Town Council website signifies the council’s commitment to establishing communication and transparency with the community. By providing a centralised platform for news and archiving important documents, the website aims to facilitate access to information and encourage citizen involvement in local governance. 

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