A595 improvement bid submitted to Government

A funding bid to improve the A595 at Grizebeck has now been submitted to Government for a decision on investment.

Westmorland and Furness Council shared its ‘Final Business Case’ with the Department for Transport (DfT) earlier today, outlining plans to build a new 1.4km road between Chapels and Grizebeck on the A595.

The improvement scheme is set to boost economic growth in the area by supporting the movement of goods between West and South Cumbria, reducing journey times, improving road safety and access to local communities such as Grizebeck village.

The council will partly fund the scheme alongside the DfT and the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP), which recognised the importance of the scheme in supporting its ambitions to grow Cumbria’s economy and help secure new investment opportunities.

A decision is expected in the new year and if funding is secured, construction will commence in Autumn 2024.

Councillor Peter Thornton, Westmorland and Furness Council Cabinet Member for Highways and Assets said: “This is the first large road scheme for our new council and it demonstrates our drive to improving our connectivity between communities in our area.

“We are submitting our Final Business Case to the Department of Transport today and are hopeful for a successful outcome.

“We have worked hard to get this far and now we just need the funding to deliver this important improvement to the A595 at Grizebeck”

The council has worked collaboratively with appointed contractor, Story Contracting, to produce the detailed design and engage with local communities on the proposals.

Alan Boyle, Director of Story Contracting’s Construction Division who will be responsible for the delivery of the project said: “We are really proud to be working with Westmorland and Furness Council and the stakeholders of the scheme to deliver this critical project for Cumbria.

“As a local contractor, using a local supply chain, we will be working with the community to ensure this project delivers more than the road. We are looking forward to employing, training and developing local people as well as supporting community projects and initiatives.”

Alyson Armett, CLEP Board lead member for transport said: “CLEP has supported the proposed works to improve the A595 at Grizebeck with £2.24 million of Growth Deal funding. The LEP recognised the need to improve connectivity on the A595, particularly at key points including Grizebeck, to deliver on our growth ambitions and make it easier for businesses, employees and the community to travel around the county.

“The LEP is committed to, and will continue to make the case for, investment in Cumbria’s transport and infrastructure to make sure that this meets the needs of our businesses and people.”

For updates and developments on the A595 Grizebeck improvement scheme, visit the Westmorland and Furness Council website or follow us on your favourite social media platform.

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