400 locals learn more about controversial holiday complex

400 people have attended information sessions held by the Save Roanhead campaign group in Askam, Dalton and Barrow this week. The sessions were held to show the true scale of the holiday complex proposed for Roanhead farm, to highlight the many detrimental effects it would have in the area and to let people know how they could object to the plan.

Campaigner Claire Gould said, ‘Whether for peace and quiet, pond dipping or picnics, families from Furness have been having fun at Roanhead for generations. We organised these friendly drop-in sessions so people could find out more about the proposed development and to let them know how they could be part of the council’s planning permission consultation.

Judith Dunston, a resident who went to the Askam session said, ‘The event was very well organised, a lot of information but easy to take in. I had no idea of the size of development; the site will be as big as Askam! And all the traffic will be trying to turn right off the A590 down Oak Lea Lane / Hawthwaite Road. Imagine the tailbacks when they all arrive on a Friday evening!

Rose Campbell, one of the organisers, said ‘We surveyed attendees and the thing people were most concerned about was the impact on wildlife and habitat. The development adjoins Sandscale Hawes National Nature Reserve, which is a unique environment hosting many rare plants. It also has 25% of the UK’s rarest amphibian, the Natterjack toad. Roanhead is the jewel in the crown of Barrow Borough and we will save it from the developer’s destruction.

Further information on the campaign can be found at saveroanhead.co.uk or on Facebook.

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