Memories in Music – Gilli chats with Diane Smillie of Dignity in Dementia

Diane Smillie is one of the Directors of Dignity in Dementia, who work with, and for, people living with Dementia and their family carers, in the Barrow area and across Cumbria. Di will be talking about the Barrow ipad project. For Barrow ipad project, contact: Diane Smillie, Dignity in Dementia 07771 682378 Thomasina… Continue reading Memories in Music – Gilli chats with Diane Smillie of Dignity in Dementia

Pete Sexton chats with Jack Hawitt

Jack Hawitt talks with CandoFM’s Pete Sexton on Friday 12th March about the challenges faced by an independent artist whist surviving Lock-down and his hopes for 2021 including the release of his latest single from the forthcoming EP.

Andrea in the Afternoon chats with Stephen Jefferson Chetwyne School

Stephen Jefferson, Headteacher at Chetwynde School joins Andrea on The Afternoon Show to discuss the recent partnership between Chetwynde School and Furness College in the region’s newest Multi Academy Trust. Listen in to find out what that’s about and the benefits it will bring.

Deb Henry Katy Wall and her career in the Merchant Navy

Katy Wall who has spent her career working in environments that have been traditionally seen as male roles. She talks to Deb Henry about her career in the Merchant Navy and the changes for opportunities for women in the maritime industry

Andrea chats with Janine and Lena from Furness Multicultural Community Forum

  Andrea is joined by Janine and Lena from Furness Multicultural Community Forum. Janine and Lena run the Furness Multicultural Community Forum which aims to forge links between all our different communities, combat isolation and break down barriers. They have a host of activities planned for International Women’s Day. They talk to Andrea about the… Continue reading Andrea chats with Janine and Lena from Furness Multicultural Community Forum

Andrea chats with Lauren McKenny from St Mary’s Hospice

Andrea will be talking with Lauren McKenny from St Mary’s Hospice.  Lauren McKenny has worked through the darkest days of the Coronavirus Pandemic at St Mary’s Hospice. She chats with Andrea about the challenges faced by the Hospice over the past year and how she maintains her own work/life balance.

Andrea chats with Caroline Smith from Ulverston Resilience Group

Joining Andrea will be Caroline Smith from Ulverston Resilience Group.  Caroline Smith has worked tirelessly with the communities in Ulverston throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic to support people in need. One of the founders of the Ulverston Isolation Group, she has helped deliver up to 100 meals a week, delivered shopping and arranged for vital medical… Continue reading Andrea chats with Caroline Smith from Ulverston Resilience Group

Dalton Leisure Centre Crowd Fund

Have you missed your gym sessions over Lockdown? Shaun Fisher from Dalton Leisure Centre is Andrea’s guest on The Afternoon Show. Funds and a show of Community support are needed to replace the Climate Control System and secure the future of this much-appreciated community asset. Find out how you can assist with the CrowdFunding Event.… Continue reading Dalton Leisure Centre Crowd Fund

Now playing: Jacksons with Dont stop til you get enough