RMT strikes: Northern trains boss in the North West warns of disruption to rail services tomorrow & Saturday

The regional director for Northern in the North West, Craig Harrop, has reminded customers to expect widespread disruption to rail services tomorrow (Thurs 20 July) and Saturday (22 July) as a result of the RMT strikes taking place this week. You can download his audio comment here. Northern has published a travel advice calendar to… Continue reading RMT strikes: Northern trains boss in the North West warns of disruption to rail services tomorrow & Saturday

Local Appeal – Burglary, Sandscale Park, Barrow-in-Furness

Police are investigating a commercial burglary which occurred on 4th July 2023 at Sandscale Park, Barrow-in-Furness. This incident occurred between 3am and 3.30am. Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it quoting incident number 109 of 4th July 2023. You can also phone on 101. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers, anonymously,… Continue reading Local Appeal – Burglary, Sandscale Park, Barrow-in-Furness

The PFCC’s ‘RISE’ project, changing young people’s lives

Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Mike Johnson, Child Centred Policing Team (CCPT) and Barnardo’s RISE practitioners met at Cumbria Constabulary HQ on Tuesday 18 July to reflect on the successes of the RISE project, as the pilot completes its first year.   The Child Centred Policing team with Cumbria Constabulary have identified that 65.5%… Continue reading The PFCC’s ‘RISE’ project, changing young people’s lives

Operation Merlin – More than 20 arrested across Cumbria in proactive policing crackdown

  Officers across Cumbria carried out warrants and targeted wanted individuals as part of the latest week of action (10 – 14 July), resulting in arrests on suspicion of offences including robbery, burglary, possession of an offensive weapon, blackmail and drug driving. Those arrested by officers included a number who were wanted for prison recall,… Continue reading Operation Merlin – More than 20 arrested across Cumbria in proactive policing crackdown

Man from Cumbria the brainchild of new approach to keep the region’s trains clean

A man from Cumbria has led the development of an app that will let the team of over 500 train presentation operatives at Northern know ‘to the minute’ when any train on their network was last cleaned. Sebastian Chromiak, who grew up in Ulverston and Barrow-in-Furness in South Cumbria and now lives in Didsbury, Greater… Continue reading Man from Cumbria the brainchild of new approach to keep the region’s trains clean

Transformed breast screening facilities enhance care and experience for patients at UHMBT

A beautifully designed breast screening space has been created at Furness General Hospital (FGH) in Barrow to enhance care for patients and to provide an improved environment. The refurbished and expanded space, which has state-of-the art scanning technology and mood lighting, is ensuring that patients have the best possible experience with the North Lancashire and South Cumbria Breast Screening Service run by University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT). Emily Brooks, Deputy Head of Breast Screening for the service, said: “We have made significant improvements to our service by putting in new equipment and redesigning the breast screening room at FGH. “We have expanded the space to create a much more attractive environment for our patients and colleagues.” The North Lancashire and South Cumbria Breast Screening Service provides routine breast screening for women over the age of 50, and offers services to anyone referred to the service by a GP. Emily, a mammographer by profession, said: “If anything is found during a routine breast screening appointment, the person would be recalled and we would investigate. “The new equipment enables us to have a 3D view which provides a lot more detail and helps with locating any lesions. It’s the latest technology and it’s highly reliable, which provides reassurance for our patients. “Patients referred to us by a GP see a surgeon, have a consultation, have an ultrasound scan and receive all of their results on the same day. Everything happens during the same appointment, which means less time for our patients to wait.” The new equipment in the breast screening room was funded by NHS England and the space was designed by the Trust’s Estates and Capital Services Team. The room is based in The Furness Suite breast screening unit at FGH. Nicole Chiu-Richards, a mammographer with UHMBT, said: “It’s much better for our patients because the space is bigger and it’s nicely designed. “The new equipment means we can provide an even better experience and service for patients. From a staff perspective, it’s much nicer to work in because everything is new, there’s more space and it has a nice atmosphere. Everybody is excited to use the space. “We have a big uptake for breast screening in the South Cumbria region. We can respond very quickly for people who have symptoms of breast cancer. We see women and men in the unit at FGH.” Emily added: “Our Estates and Capital Services Team has done a fantastic job with the room. A huge amount of thought and care was put into the design. Everyone has been focused on improving the experience for patients which has been great. “Our next steps are to create similar rooms at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI) and at Westmorland General Hospital (WGH) in Kendal. Work is starting on the room at the RLI in July and at WGH in October, so we’ll eventually have new breast screening rooms at all three of our main hospital sites.” For more information about the Lancashire and South Cumbria Breast Screening Service at UHMBT, please go to: https://www.uhmb.nhs.uk/our-services/services/breast-services

Community celebrates official reopening of town centre ‘pocket park’

A community has joined together to celebrate the official reopening of a ‘pocket park’ designed to help ensure people of all ages have access to attractive green space and opportunities for natural play. The Argyle Place Pocket Park, in Barrow, has benefited from a host of new trees and plants, reclaimed seating and paving, stepping… Continue reading Community celebrates official reopening of town centre ‘pocket park’

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