Better facilities for lorry drivers as winners of £8 million funding revealed

Lorry drivers will enjoy better rest areas and more secure parking thanks to nearly £8 million awarded to 39 roadside facility operators across England Funding part of up to £100 million in joint government and industry investment to improve roadside facilities, supporting recruitment and workforce retention Second round of funding opened today for roadside operators… Continue reading Better facilities for lorry drivers as winners of £8 million funding revealed

RAAC not found in Westmorland and Furness Council maintained schools

Inspections carried out by Westmorland and Furness Council have found no presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in any of the 70 schools where the council has responsibility for maintenance. A programme of inspections for RAAC was launched across the 70 schools as a priority last year when concerns were first raised. All schools… Continue reading RAAC not found in Westmorland and Furness Council maintained schools

Parents and guardians urged to ensure children in Lancashire and South Cumbria have MMR vaccinations

  The NHS in Lancashire and South Cumbria is urging parents and guardians to check that their children are up to date with their MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccinations to reduce the risk of catching the highly infectious disease. Every region in England has reported confirmed cases of the infectious disease and cases to… Continue reading Parents and guardians urged to ensure children in Lancashire and South Cumbria have MMR vaccinations

Council launches £350k grant fund to establish outreach money advice services

Voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations are being invited to apply for a share of a new £350k grant fund created by Westmorland and Furness Council to provide money advice services to local communities. The “Money Advice Outreach Fund” will provide one-off grants to establish money advice services delivered in local centres and close… Continue reading Council launches £350k grant fund to establish outreach money advice services

Cumbria LEP – unique package of FREE support for local businesses to tap into

Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP) is launching a FREE advice service for business owners based in Cumbria. It’s in response to evidence suggesting businesses which access support are far more likely to prosper than those that don’t. This initiative builds on previous business support programmes delivered by CLEP and is currently the only fully-funded option… Continue reading Cumbria LEP – unique package of FREE support for local businesses to tap into

100,000 extra Flash Sale tickets for JUST 10p: Northern singles out tourism and night-time economies across the North of England for support

Northern has released an extra 100,000 tickets as part of its Flash Sale – all for just 10p. The train operator has targeted tourism hotspots and towns and cities with night-time economy offerings for the 10p fares – with the hope of providing a post-summer holiday boost to visitor numbers. The 10p fares available from… Continue reading 100,000 extra Flash Sale tickets for JUST 10p: Northern singles out tourism and night-time economies across the North of England for support

Now playing: Bill Clark with Acoustic Sessions