South Walney Junior School marks successful start to the year

Staff and pupils at South Walney Junior School are celebrating a successful start to the year with improvements to the learning environment and staff successes. The scaffolding is now down at the school to reveal smart new render, windows have been replaced and other external renovations completed. Alongside structural work outside, inside the hall has had… Continue reading South Walney Junior School marks successful start to the year

Free egg-citing activities for children over the Easter Holidays

The Westmorland and Furness Holiday Activities and Food programme is now open for booking and gives eligible children a wide range of free activities to choose over the Easter holidays. The holiday activities and food programme (HAF) provides eligible children and young people the opportunity to take part in activities with a healthy and nutritious… Continue reading Free egg-citing activities for children over the Easter Holidays

Simon Fell MP praises Prime Minister’s commitment to Team Barrow at PMQs and invites Prime Minister to visit Furness

In today’s Prime Minister’s Questions, Simon Fell, the MP for Barrow and Furness, invited the Prime Minister to visit Barrow, to see the amazing workforce building the boats of the future, as well as to see how the Team Barrow programme is changing the community for the better. Mr. Fell has said that the AUKUS… Continue reading Simon Fell MP praises Prime Minister’s commitment to Team Barrow at PMQs and invites Prime Minister to visit Furness

Supporting Martha’s rule at UHMBT

You will have seen the announcement that the NHS will be implementing Martha’s Rule. Once fully implemented, patients, families, carers and colleagues will have round-the-clock access to a rapid review from a separate care team if they are worried about a person’s condition. Martha Mills died in 2021 after developing sepsis in hospital, where she… Continue reading Supporting Martha’s rule at UHMBT

Now playing: Victor Ray with Comfortable