Local Appeal – Attempt to break into car Monument Way in Ulverston

Police are investigating an attempt to break into a Peugeot car parked in Monument Way in Ulverston. The incident occurred some time between 6.30pm yesterday (16 April) and 9am today (17 April).   Anyone with information relating to this incident can report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it quoting incident number 35 of 17/4. You can also phone… Continue reading Local Appeal – Attempt to break into car Monument Way in Ulverston

Op Merlin – Arrests, charges and recalls to prison in latest wanted people crackdown across county

Drug supply, assault and theft were just some of the offences as officers executed warrants across the county this week as part of the latest Operation Merlin week of action (8-12 April). On Monday officers arrested Nathan Wharton, 35, of Egerton Court in Barrow who was sought in connection with a theft offence. He was… Continue reading Op Merlin – Arrests, charges and recalls to prison in latest wanted people crackdown across county

More than 98 per cent of pupils have been offered their first-choice primary school in the Westmorland and Furness Council area for children starting school this September, figures released today confirm.

More than 98 per cent of pupils have been offered their first-choice primary school in the Westmorland and Furness Council area for children starting school this September, figures released today confirm. Of 1,753 applicants across the area applying for primary school places in September 2024, 1,727 were allocated their first preference. 99.8 per cent were… Continue reading More than 98 per cent of pupils have been offered their first-choice primary school in the Westmorland and Furness Council area for children starting school this September, figures released today confirm.

£400,000 in ‘levelling up’ funding awarded to Cumbrian projects

Cumbria Community Foundation has awarded almost £400,000 to organisations in the county as part of the Government’s ‘levelling up’ programme, which aims to address geographical inequalities across the UK. Funding was given to provide start-up business support advice and to help move those furthest from the labour market closer to employment by upskilling and providing… Continue reading £400,000 in ‘levelling up’ funding awarded to Cumbrian projects

Julie’s head shave event raises funds for equipment for Barrow’s Special Care Baby Unit

A much-loved and long-serving colleague braved a head shave to raise funds for the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) at Furness General Hospital (FGH) in Barrow. Julie McKenna, a Clinical Leader in the SCBU at FGH for University Hospitals of Morecambe By NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT), decided to go out with a bang by staging… Continue reading Julie’s head shave event raises funds for equipment for Barrow’s Special Care Baby Unit

Now playing: Jacksons with Dont stop til you get enough
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