Officers work to tackle ASB issues in Barrow

Officers in Barrow are working to tackle anti-social behaviour issues following a number of incidents reported in recent days.

Some of the reports include:

  • On 17th July at around 10:15pm officers received a report of bins being set on fire at an address on Portland Walk.
  • On night of 17th/18th July officers received a reports of youths causing issues in the area of Cornwallis Street, a fire was then started in a garage at a premises in the area. Three boys were arrested.
  • On 19th July just after 8:30pm, the fire service requested police attendance after a fire was started in a commercial bin just off Portland Walk, near the junction with Dalton Road.
  • On 20th July a report of youths setting fires in Meadowlands Avenue and another report of a bush being set on fire near to the Fire Station on Mill Lane.
  • On 20th July officers received multiple reports of youths gathering in the town centre causing disturbance and damage in and outside of McDonalds, and also pulling out plants in the area. A dispersal order has been put in place for 48 hours. Officers are investigating the criminal damage to the plants and planters.

The incidents are being investigated and the crimes identified remain under active investigation.

As a result of reports from the public, the team will be increasing patrols in problem areas, however we are encouraging the public to continue to report incidents to us.

Police are aware there is some footage, in relation to the incident which occurred last night in the town centre, circulating on social media. The police are investigating these incidents and are working to identify those responsible and they will be dealt with accordingly.

Inspector Jo Smith from the Barrow Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “The Barrow NPT team are overseeing the recent spate of anti-social behaviour in the area in order to coordinate our response to these incidents.

“We know the detrimental effect these incidents have on our communities and we are working with partner agencies to address and take robust action against those involved in this behaviour.

“It’s important that the public continue to report incidents to us so that we are aware of the issues and can respond accordingly.

“We also need the support of parents of those who may be involved. With the summer holiday’s just beginning parents can support this by asking where their children are going, who with, and what they are doing.

“If you children are planning on going into the town centre this weekend please advise them not to, as there is a dispersal order in place until Saturday evening which gives police officers the power order those suspected of causing nuisance, or practicing anti-social behaviour, to leave.

“We would also encourage the public to continue to report anti-social behaviour as this is the best way to direct resources to the right areas to combat these incidents.”

Ian Seel, Head of Prevention for Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service, said: “These deliberate incidents are causing firefighters to be taken away from what could potentially be real, life-threatening emergencies.

“Fires that are caused deliberately or carelessly in the open can have devastating effects on the environment, but importantly endanger people’s lives and homes.

“I would urge anyone thinking of starting a fire in a public space to think twice. Your actions could be placing other lives at risk, as well as your own.

“If anyone does spot a fire in a public space, please call 999 as soon as possible. The quicker we can get to the fire, the sooner we are able to get it under control and reduce the risk of harm.”

Anyone with any information regarding any of the incidents mentioned above or any other anti-social behaviour issues is asked to contact police online via , you can also call us on 101.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


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