Keep your new gadgets safe from scams and viruses

Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, is encouraging those who received new gadgets for Christmas to ensure that they and their children are protected from online scams and viruses.


Most devices now link to the internet so some tips to help you stay safe include:

  • Setting up parental controls on your children’s devices to make sure that they are using age-appropriate apps, manage in-app purchases and to help keep track of who your child is talking to.
  • Ensure any Bluetooth connections are secure in the settings to reduce the risk of strangers accessing your devices.
  • Limit screentime for young children to improve their wellbeing.


Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “Many of us will have received new laptops, phones, tablets, etc. for Christmas and it is vital that we ensure all our electronics that can be connected to the internet, have some form of anti-virus software on them.


“Technology is consistently advancing so it’s really important that we are all up to date on how to protect ourselves and our more vulnerable members of the family.


“I commission Get Safe Online in Cumbria to provide information and advice on all aspects of online safety and I would recommend everyone visit their website to find out more on how to keep themselves safe –  Digital Family Basics – How to set up family devices (


“Prevention is the key to reduce the likelihood that we fall victim to an online scam or being hacked. By taking 5-10 minutes to read up on the latest news around cyber safety, we can all enjoy a safer Christmas.”

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